The cook books have been ordered. A few extras were ordered, but they have been spoken for. If you have a change of heart, let us know because one person got her request in too late.
If there is more interest we can reorder, but of course, that will take time.
Those of you who put your order in when we first announced have had to wait a long time. As it turned out, the wait has allowed the people who saw the cook book at the funeral to add their orders. People who do not follow the blog were unaware it was available. That was an awkward situation. One doesn't usually sell things at a funeral.
Thank you to Devona's daughter, Kendrah, for starting this project. She spent many many hours with Betty sorting family recipes. Karoline and Katie spent many hours over Christmas trying to edit the book so Betty would get to see it. Since it was a rush job, we treasure the editing errors of those first books because we know they were desperate to finish before Betty's death. My personal favorite was , "prinkle with a little sal!" We only printed enough for our immediate family. We never dreamed Betty's first cook book would be a best seller. To us printing about 100 fits into the best seller category. Can you imagine selling a hundred copies of your recipe collection?
We enjoyed seeing the editing "post it notes" Kendrah had in the cook book preparing for its second printing. They were abundant. This time we'll blame overlooked mistakes on the tears that filled our eyes. I hope you'll enjoy the mistakes with us.
And those of you who get the second printing will have Betty's great grandson's favorite recipe. Karson loved Betty's lemonade. Smile when you make it! We do.
The Boley Family
If there is more interest we can reorder, but of course, that will take time.
Those of you who put your order in when we first announced have had to wait a long time. As it turned out, the wait has allowed the people who saw the cook book at the funeral to add their orders. People who do not follow the blog were unaware it was available. That was an awkward situation. One doesn't usually sell things at a funeral.
Thank you to Devona's daughter, Kendrah, for starting this project. She spent many many hours with Betty sorting family recipes. Karoline and Katie spent many hours over Christmas trying to edit the book so Betty would get to see it. Since it was a rush job, we treasure the editing errors of those first books because we know they were desperate to finish before Betty's death. My personal favorite was , "prinkle with a little sal!" We only printed enough for our immediate family. We never dreamed Betty's first cook book would be a best seller. To us printing about 100 fits into the best seller category. Can you imagine selling a hundred copies of your recipe collection?
We enjoyed seeing the editing "post it notes" Kendrah had in the cook book preparing for its second printing. They were abundant. This time we'll blame overlooked mistakes on the tears that filled our eyes. I hope you'll enjoy the mistakes with us.
And those of you who get the second printing will have Betty's great grandson's favorite recipe. Karson loved Betty's lemonade. Smile when you make it! We do.
The Boley Family
I will be anxious to get the cookbook. I love cookbooks and one that has family recipes in it will be amazing. Maybe you need to post the recipe for Karson's recipe for Grandma's lemonade if the first bunch is getting left out. I so enjoyed Karson's comment about no more family celebrations because Grandma Betty will not be there. Out of the mouths of babes!