Boley Cook Book

Boley Cook Book

Friday, December 3, 2010

Friday Dec.

Betty and Raymond don't have Internet so I haven't been able to post daily. I will try to be more consistent because I love telling Betty how many people have been checking on her progress. I hadn't encouraged you to send comments, but that would be a wonderful way to let her know you are thinking of her. We read them all to both Betty and Raymond.

Raymond looks forward to the mail each day. He can't wait to open the cards and will say in a loving voice, "Honey, we got a card from __." When Betty finally gets them he gets to relive opening each one again.

When you consider how far Betty has come in a week from eating a Tablespoon of food in a day to eating three small meals a day and a few yogurts on the side, she has come miles. She said yesterday, "Food just doesn't sound good. I can't understand. Eating used to be my favorite thing!" I try to remind her how much improvement she has made in a week. The Home Health representative shared several suggestions for snacks that might be appealing.

She has finally found a way to get in and out of bed by herself. She will come walking out of the bedroom and wake us up from our naps! How rude! She has the use of a walker for exercising and she's steady enough to walk without it for short distances.

With Jill's help in gathering the equipment we needed and Steve and Devona installing safety bars and a hand held shower head, Betty had her first shower yesterday. She expressed a sound of delight when the warm water soothed her weary body. I only needed to wash her feet. What an honor to be able to be of comfort to her.

I don't believe Betty has stayed in one spot very long her entire life. It has taken a toll on her lower back to remain stagnate. Lotion and massages ease the stress but we haven't eliminated the problem.

A Home Health aide visited today and the nurse will be visiting periodically. It will feel good to have knowledgeable health care professionals helping us.

Raymond is finding his way in care giving. He does a great job of preparing breakfast and getting her settled for the morning. He is pretty much doing all the food service. Thank God for the microwave! Raymond learned to use the dish washer last night.

We see the surgeon at Brown Cancer Center on Friday, December 10th. We will find out our next step. It could be chemo if she has healed enough. We don't know what Betty's choice will be.

Betty doesn't have to visit with Raymond and me. When visitors arrive she puts out the effort to visit and pay attention. That is how she tires easily. You wouldn't think getting loving attention from friends would put such a strain on an individual, but it does.

Our family feels so lucky to have so many prayers coming our way and we feel uncomfortable declining visitors. Please forgive our need to let Betty heal and send as many comments as you are inspired to share. She appreciates every one.

The Boley Family


  1. Hi Betty and Raymond
    We are so happy Betty is home and improving. Don says to tell Raymond he is glad he has
    found his way around the kitchen, and if he gets
    good on the dishwasher there is always a job at Church. We know he is a good coffee maker!!
    Praying that you keep improving. Thanks Sandy for keeping us updated. Look forward to reading each day how Betty is doing. Also how Raymond is
    improving in the kitchen .
    Love, Don & Millie

  2. Hello Betty and Raymond, So glad to know you're making progress, Betty, and that Raymond is handling kitchen duties! May God's healing power be with you. Steve Brackney
