Good Day Friends,
Betty was relieved to have the chemo apparatus removed on Saturday. She had two days without her little friend, but it is back again today for the week. We enjoy the people who attach and detach the chemo. They are so patient and kind. Betty worries about the batteries. I'm glad she has something on which to concentrate.
She has experienced the normal reactions associated with chemo. We were so excited yesterday because she nibbled all day long. Late in the evening she lost it so she got no nutrition. It won't be long before she asks me politely to go home. There are just so many times one can hear, "Would you like a ---------?" She's still answering, but I imagine soon she'll ignore me.
The doctors today were not able to suggest anything new to help. We are doing everything they suggested. We are to call them if the same symptoms persist.
Raymond had the CT scan today. Dennis drove us to Jewish. He was a great chauffeur. The tech was so excited because for the first time she got to use the largest needle available on his "large veins." He was very proud! We will hear this Friday about the doctor's plans.
After Raymond's appointment they dropped me off at the Brown Cancer Center and I caught up with Betty during the doctor's visit and the reconnection of the chemo. Devona and Betty are going to try it on their own tomorrow if they can slip out of the house without Raymond tagging along. He needs to get out and see his friends. I couldn't believe the conversation he and Dennis had on the way to the hospital! He didn't stop talking. It must be very boring having daughters around all the time!
I think the next four weeks are going to contain lots of sleeping and nausea. It isn't fun for her. She enjoys the cards you continue to send and looks forward to The View and Oprah.
Keep Praying,
The Boley Family
Pray that the chemo doesn't make Betty extremely sick. That sometimes has that effect. Raymond hopefully will not have to have anything major done. Pray that the weather will not be too bad for Betty and Devona to make the trip to Brown Cancer Center tomorrow. Will continue to pray for all of the family.