Boley Cook Book

Boley Cook Book

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Troops Are Home

There was a gala reunion this afternoon as both patients arrived home. They had talked earlier in the day, but came face to face over the kitchen table. Raymond was reading the mail when Betty arrived and joined him to enjoy today's cards. There was a card from Ft Worth, TX and one from quilting friends. There was one from a sister-in-law and another from a friend. They all matter so much.

Dennis has few funny stories to tell about the experience. Raymond's blood pressure was low so they gave him something to raise it. Then the task was to get it stabilized. One assistant argued that he had open heart surgery and Raymond had to convince him it was only an artery cleaning. A lovely, outgoing African woman tried to talk him into going back across the ocean with her and the man taking lunch orders was sorry to say they did not serve vinegar pie. So Raymond chose to return to Scottsburg over the exotic woman from across the pond, and I had homemade coconut cream pie waiting for him. All in all he did pretty well.

Dr. Alankar, the surgeon, must have had plastic surgery training for the incision was beautifully stitched. Raymond wore no visible bandage. His 83 year old wrinkles will surely hide the fact that he even "had some work done!"

Betty came home in good spirits. She warned that she may get her nose out of joint if Raymond received more attention so I'm going to have to be careful. I gave her part of my pie to keep her in a good mood. It seemed to help. Betty had a bed this morning during the transfusion and that helped. Devona chose to take a nap in the waiting room and a good Samaritan covered her sleeping form with a blanket to keep her warm. There are angels among us.

Raymond is presently in his recliner enjoying his favorite root beer sucker and watching TV. Betty is nestled in her wing back going in and out of a nap. We are all a little sleepy and a little grateful that all is well for now.

The Boley Family


  1. Glad that all is at home and well. Hopefully Betty will continue to talk about food and also partake of it. Surely everyone will be able to get some much needed sleep tonight. Prayers will continue for all of you!

  2. That is such a comfort to hear that Mr & Mrs. Boley are both at home and all is well from a big day for Betty and Raymond came home to Scottsburg instead of across the pond. Praise the Lord he made a VERY WISE decision.
    Rest well dear friends.
