Boley Cook Book

Boley Cook Book

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday, January 12

Betty's body seems to be adjusting to the chemo and radiation. Although totally without energy, she is able to eat and sleep comfortably.

Dennis drove on Tuesday during the snow. They encountered the semi problem on 65 and the bridge being closed so it is a good thing he was along to navigate the detours.

Raymond has discovered the root beer suckers in the waiting room at the Brown Cancer Center. He smiled today after his first taste and said, "I really like these." I stuck one in my pocket to surprise him with later on. The technicians gave us a tour of the equipment used in Betty's treatment. They are lovely to Betty.

Raymond sees the vascular surgeon on Friday afternoon. Keep your fingers crossed!

The Boley Family

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the weather didn't keep you all from getting where you needed to be. The truck incident on I65 was a menace to everyone for several hours. glad that Betty is responding well to the treatments. Will keep the family in our prayers for a good report on Raymond's doctor visit Friday.
